Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7th

Yesterday was great. Hubby and I went shopping.. which means we basically hung out together alone all day and walked and walked! I estimated 3 miles, hubby thinks we did 4 or 5.. too bad we didn't have a pedometer :) I got really tired at the end of the day and realized I had barely eaten anything all day! So I pigged out a little last night but still kept it under my goal calories, especially with all that walking. On the right hand bar i added the link to my fitness pal page.. I track my food and exercise there daily :)

1 comment:

  1. Alright Sheri!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats GREAT!!!!!! You are really doing wonderful and I just love to see that you are really serious......It is motivating!!! Keep it up!!!!!!!!! You can do it!!!!
