Monday, January 3, 2011

I did it!! 30 day Shred

Day one is over! I not only began this video but I did so by getting up early in the morning and preparing myself for it. I am so happy with todays accomplishments!
I did a little bit of modifying because of a bad knee but not nearly what I thought I would need to. I am really happy with it!! I feel so encouraged today. 2011 is my year!

I sat down and created some weight goals for myself and they are encouraging me so much! Adding them to my right side bar here. Yay!

I am also reading through the bible in a year and Day 3 is done. :)


  1. Wonderful!!!! Thats right! 2011 is your year! You can do it! Just imagine the results you WILL have if you keep this up AND eat right!

    Your goals sound great! What is your eating plan? How about committing to keeping an online food journal? It *really* helps overcome the temptation to eat the wrong things when you know you are going to have to report it to your blogging buddies!

  2. Fabulous day! Keep it up! I love your goals on the sidebar. It's a very tangible way to check if you're on track as time goes by, great idea.
